8th degree black belt certification awarded by The USA National Karate-do Federation (USA-NKF)
- 8th degree black belt certification and “Shihan” designation in Hayashi-Ha Shito-ryu
- Awarded by Founder and teacher, Soke Teuro Hayashi.
- International Karate-do Hayashi ha Shito-ryu Federation, Founder
- World Karate Federation (WKF) certified Judge and Referee and Executive Committee Member for Referee Council
- Pan American Federation (PKF) Judge and Referee
- Referee Council Chair
- Vice President PKF
- Member, United States Olympic Committee (USOC) Board of Directors
- Founder, USA National Governing Body for the sport of Karate
- President USA-NKF
- Executive Director USA-NKF
- USA NKF Hall of Fame
- Outstanding Citizen Awards: 4
- Congressional Awards: 5
- AAU sport chair/Washington State
- Committee for Asian Games, Member
- Committee for Goodwill Games/Washington, Member
- Doctorate degree in Sport Science
- Recognition for contribution: 2 USA Presidents, 6 State Governors