Godo Renshu – Unity Training
SORRY - THIS EVENT HAS BEEN CANCELLED Thank you to those of you who freed your weekend up in order to attend. We apologize for the inconvenience. This is an annual group training for our entire organization. The purpose is to bring all branches together for camaraderie and to ensure standardization (unity) of training among our branches. This one day event includes a small in-house tournament and a banquet. This year, the JKFNWW (Boeing) Karate group in the Seattle area is hosting the event...
Our Curriculum – Basic Overview
Each Karate class at our school is slightly different. We are lucky to have many talented, experienced instructors and each have their own personal style of teaching. However, the overall curriculum is primarily composed of these three major components: 1. Kihon (Key - hone) - Basic Techniques Kihon is the study of basic punches, kicks and blocks. They are practiced in combination and repeated over and over. Practice makes permanent, so we stress proper execution of every technique, not...