Sensei Katsutaka Tanaka

Sensei Katsutaka Tanaka is an 8th degree black belt in Nihon Karate-Do Kenwa Kai, a World Karate-Do Federation (WKF) 7th degree black belt, and a USA Karate 7th degree black belt. Sensei Tanaka is both a World Championship Kata and Kumite Referee for the WKF, which...

Sensei Eugene Tibon

Gene Tibon Sensei holds a 6th Degree Black Belt in Goju/Founder USA Grass RootsRyu Uchiage and 6th Degree Black Belt with the USA National Karate-Do Federation (USANKF).  He is the owner and Chief Instructor of Tibon’s Goju-Ryu Fighting Arts Karate Dojo located in...

Hoang Ngan Nguyen

  21st World Seniors Karate Championships 2012-11-21 Female Kata Participated Karate1 Korea 2012 2012-08-18 Female Kata Participated 20th World Senior Karate Championships 2010-10-27 Female Kata Silver Medal 2nd 20th World Senior Karate Championships 2010-10-27...

Jay Farrell

Training since 1973  Vice-Chair JKFNW-Ryobu-kai under Junki Yoshida Sensei  Godan Ryobu-Kai Karate-Do  Yondan Shobukan Shurite Shorinkai Karate-Do  Dan certifications with World Karate Federation, Japan Karate Federation and USA-National Karate-Do Federation  WKF...

Dr. Julius Thiry

  8th degree black belt certification awarded by The USA National Karate-do Federation (USA-NKF) 8th degree black belt certification and “Shihan” designation in Hayashi-Ha Shito-ryu Awarded by Founder and teacher, Soke Teuro Hayashi. International Karate-do...

Sensei Yutaka Yaguchi

Sensei Yutaka Yaguchi holds a 9th degree black belt in Shotokan karate and is the Chief Instructor and Chairman of the International Shotokan Karate Federation (ISKF) Mountain States Region and Technical Director for the ISKF. He was born in Hiroshima, Japan in 1932...